So I have this dog. First off he thinks he is a little dog when really he is about 100 lbs. He is the biggest baby I have ever seen! But he is a great dog even though he is not always the brightest crayon in the box. He loves to chase flies.. and yes has caught a few. But it is hilarious when one is on the window or wall and he tries to get it. Instead of catching it he ends up hitting his nose against the wall or window. It also quite entertaining watching him run around the backyard chasing flies because you can't actually see them. So he looks like he is crazy running around chomping in the air. He also loves to bark at the horses next door. They come over to the fence and he feels the need to bark at them. Who knows what he believes will come of his barking but none the less he still barks. As for chasing his tail goes, he has tried to do this in the oddest positions you can imagine. He will lay on his back and swing his head and tail back and forth trying to catch it. He also uses the walls, chairs, or any person standing near to push against to try and catch it. Everytime he lays upside down he ends up sneezing so I have to warn people before he slimes them.. ha ha. I have only heard him howl once and it was when the fire alarm in the house went off. It was the funniest thing! Aside from his odd ways he really is the greatest dog. He is very sweet and great with my kids. He lets them lay on him, climb on him, etc without even flinching. He loves to cuddle and hates when we leave him. He is always waiting for us to come back and is so excited when he sees us. Amazing how devoted a dog can be!
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